Controlling a Rocket's Roll in Flight
Technologies: electronics, sensors, rocketry, controls
Final reaction wheel and electronics bay
The reaction wheel electronics contain 6 main elements:
The microcontroller samples roll data from the sensors at 60Hz. A rotational velocity error is computed that is then fed into a PID controller.
This controller determines the velocity and direction the motor must spin to create a counter torque that would null out the rocket's rotational velocity.
Following this computation, a signal is sent to the electronic speed controller to spin the motor.
Because the rocket would be flying at speeds exceeding mach 2 and was likely to encounter significant vibration and loads during flight, an FRAM chip was chosen for data storage
rather than an SD card. The limited capacity of the chip meant that logging should only start when the rocket begins flight. Because of this, the chip was enabled by the microcontroller once a launch event was detected using the accelerometer.
Second Order Plant with PID Parameterized for Kp, Ki, Kd Gains
Final software update before payload integration with the rocket
Rocket launch to 47k ft with Reaction Wheel Onboard
Previous generation electronics bay and wheel system, implemented in rocket and ready for a launch!
Rocket schematic, detailing placement of wheel
Position Loop PID Controller Testing
Velocity Control Testing
During the flight, an anomaly occurred which caused the data logging to fail. It was determined to be a fault of accelerometer for detecting liftoff which enabled the rest of the system. An additional flight is planned in April of 2022 to test the system.